About the Enterprise Zone sites

Buckinghamshire Enterprise Zone is a multi-site facility based in a highly strategic position at the heart of the UK’s technology clusters.

The Enterprise Zone is linked to three nationally strategic assets, which can offer your business significant strategic advantage.

Silverstone Park

Silverstone Park is a technology park next to Silverstone Grand Prix Circuit and at the centre of the Silverstone Technology Cluster. Silverstone Park is a global destination for innovation and engineering, offering the opportunity to scale-up your business or locate to the UK. Silverstone is an international brand and the home to Formula 1, with eight of the 10 F1 teams and three of 11 Formula E teams in close geographic proximity to the circuit. Around 3,500 companies associated with motorsport are based in the area employing around 40,000 people, including around 80 per cent of the world’s high-performance engineers.

The Enterprise Zone (Site K at Silverstone Park) will provide up to 99,500 sq.m of new commercial floor space and aims to create over 1,200 jobs. Phase 1 (11,665m2) completed in 2017 and is fully occupied. Phase 2 (23,990m2) completed in 2020. Phase 3 (24,632m2) completed in 2022 with further phases to follow.

Silverstone Enterprise Zone is attracting businesses of the calibre the Multi-world Champion Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula 1 Team, David Brown Automotive, Lunaz, Saietta and the Digital Manufacturing Centre. Retained business rates to the value of £5m have been invested into a new multi-utility trench to accelerate the delivery of future development. In addition, a total of £4m funding has supported the creation of the Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub (SSEH), an Innovation Centre providing businesses access to the UK’s premier aerodynamics facility for racing cycles and sports equipment, including the new globally unique swimming flume adding to the widening sports performance focus of the SSEH. Further funding has supported a range of enterprises to innovate and expand here.

Where is Silverstone Park?

Silverstone Park (Site K) is located in North Buckinghamshire on the border with Northamptonshire and is accessed directly from the A43 which in turn links to the M1 and M40 motorways.

Westcott Venture Park

Westcott Venture Park is a 263 hectare strategic employment site which is developing as a centre of space propulsion, satellite technology, IOSM, and resilient networks; building on Buckinghamshire’s significant strengths in the space sector. High-tech research and development in the fields of satellite and future propulsion systems is concentrated at Westcott, with a primary cluster of UK space organisations (The Westcott Space Cluster) all using the on-site test facilities.

Westcott Venture Park, with its historic links to propulsion technology, will facilitate the delivery of over 47,000 sq.m of new commercial floor space and create up to 1,375 skilled jobs.

New facilities at the Westcott Enterprise Zone include an Innovation Centre, the Future Network Development Centre and Incubation Centre and work has just commenced on a Disruptive Innovative Space Centre for apprenticeships and specialist testing.  These assets, managed by the Satellite Application Catapult, provide incubation and R&D facilities for businesses operating in the space sector, with most recent additions, supported through the Enterprise Zone, including the In Orbit Servicing and Manufacturing Facility and Drone Testing and Development Centre, which is nearing full capacity. The latest phase of the site has seen the completion of the UK Space Agency’s National Space Propulsion Test Facility at Westcott, which is a is a key step towards delivering a world-leading hub for the space sector in the heart of Buckinghamshire and opens up the next stage in the evolution of the site to attract new business and investment.

All this activity puts Westcott at the centre of the UK’s space sector!

Where is Westcott Venture Park?

Westcott Venture Park fronts the A41 between Aylesbury and Bicester providing fast access to the UK motorway network.


Arla/Woodlands has significant scope for stimulating increased employment in the agri-food, human health and creative sectors in the east of Aylesbury. This will build on links to the established Arla super dairy, and the wider food science strengths of Buckinghamshire, whilst complementing the work that is going on to create a healthy living new town.

Within the Arla Enterprise Zone site 6,270m2 floorspace has been delivered by the Olleco anaerobic digestion facility, a £25m development creating 75 jobs. Tritax Symmetry recently completed 63,000 m2 of employment floor-space, already occupying production studios for Apple TV, a state-of-the-art distribution centre for Rexel UK, a manufacturing and development centre for Pangaea Laboratories and Global Infusion Group.

Aylesbury Woodlands will form one the largest new employment sites in the south of England. Aylesbury Woodlands will deliver 102,400 sq.m employment floor-space and up to 1,100 residential dwellings. This development will also provide commercial leisure, supporting retail, sport and recreational facilities set in extensive green infrastructure; and will support the delivery of the Eastern Link Road South – a vital element in the transport infrastructure needed for the growth in Aylesbury and beyond.

The Arla/Woodlands developments present a unique opportunity to establish a nationally significant food science enterprise zone in the UK. The combined Arla/Woodlands site has capacity to deliver c.166,000 sq.m of new commercial floor space and accommodate over 2,500 jobs.

Where is Arla/Woodlands?

Arla/Woodlands is located to the East of Aylesbury and is bounded to the south by the A41, to the north by the Grand Union Canal; to the east the Arla dairy and to the west the existing urban edge of Aylesbury.